...Everytime I do it makes me laugh......"
Nickleback right there LOL.

So I borrowed this post from my other blog site :P

My lil sister Lee brought me a scrap book type thing, with a blank canvas  cover. She said I could fill it with all things I've do this year, so that I can see how far I've come with my battle to overcome my anxiety.

Well when she gave it to me she'd done half a page and printed off afew photos lol.
I've got as far as march so and I love the idea of looking back, when I have a anxiety day and saying "get over yourself, look at what your done so far" 
I've painted the front cover with black and white trees- to represent the dark place i was in- wondering through the wilderness and the back cover is a sunset over the ocean- to represent the bright future I hopefully have in front of me.
I just will share photos of the covers soon, but for now I wanted to leave you with a page I made. This ones from my 30th.

Brace yourselves this shows you just how geeky I really am. The side I hide away lol.
Are you ready??? 
Yep that is my take on comic book lol.
My inner geek is well and truly out there now :P

Anyway thats all for today, bye :)
Donna xxxxxxxxxxx