So I went to see The Hangover 3, last week and I really enjoyed it.                                                                                                                                                                         I think when I saw hangover the first one it was mainly because Bradley Cooper was seriously hot and I'm not gonna lie that is still a major factor! But I was soon hooked on the Wolf pack.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              *Spoilers ahead* Don't read any further if your yet to watch!!                                    .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Instead of the stag night formula that both hangover and hangover two follow, the third in the trilogy centers on Alan basically being forced to grow up.                                                                                                                                  .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 The movie starts with the death of Alan's dad which leads to a intervention that doesn't quite go to plan.  On route to Rehab the gang are ambushed by Marshall played by John Goodman.  Once again poor Doug gets kidnapped (Justin Bartha must be so pissed he misses all the fun again) You see Mr chow (Ken Jeong) has stolen $21 million in gold from Marshall and as Alan's the only one whose been in contact with him, it's up to the wolf pack to locate Chow and hand both him and the gold bars over to Marshall, in return they get Doug back. All leading the trio back to Vegas where it all begin.                                                                                                                      This brings the return of Some recurring characters like Jade the stripper, Black Doug and a very funny appearance from Melissa McCarthy as Cassie the pawn shop owner.                                                                                                  I've read a lot of bad reviews since watching hangover 3 and yes it feels, at times, like your watching a action film rather then a then a comedy but it still manages to bring a lot of laughs.                                                                        It's alot more Alan (Zach Galifianakis) centered and I feel Stu (Ed Helms) and Phil (Bradley Cooper)  take a little more of a back seat in this one, but the scene with Stu and Chow breaking into the house is one of my favourites. Me and my sister have been reenacting the dog bowl moment quite a few times this week.  It's gross but tickled me!                                                 .                                                                                                                                                                  .                                                                                                                                                   Verdict:                                                                                                                                     I wasn't expecting this to be as good as the original Hangover, and it wasn't ( no sequel ever is) but I was surprised by how much I enjoyed it.   There's action, comedy and a great butt shot of Bradley Cooper~ always great for us ladies.                                                                                                                                          The cast, as always, were great. They were funny and convincing and made you want to continue watching, even when the plot goes abit over the top. Mr Chow was as camp as ever but I loved the sadder, more sensitive, side of him that came out (think the karaoke bar scene)  Chow gets quoted alot with me and my sister~ "so long Bitches"                                                                                                                                                  I think its probably the right time for the end of Hangover, but I will miss the Wolf Pack.  Stu~ the scared goodie two shoes who always goes wild. Phil ~the macho guy who comes up with the plan~ kinda like the leader. and Alan the big goofy kid whose highly inappropriate but you just can't help but love.                                                                                                                                                          Yes its over the top~ but its what you come to expect. Yes technically they don't suffer a hangover in this movie. Yes its rude and crude but really you wouldn't have it any other way, would you?                                                             Go see it, it's worth it :)                                                                                                                        7/10                                                                                                                                                               .                                                                                                                                                  "Toodaloo, mothafuckas!"  as chow would say lol   :P                                                                      Till next time                                                                                                                                                  Donna xxxx                                                                                                                                                                            p.s Don't forget to stay for the extra bit after the  credits, its literally my favourite scene in the whole movie!!                                                                                                       p.p.s sorry for all these weird dots, my enter key isn't working LOL. And the weird indent thing happening, my latops on the way out. blame the cat~ long story! :P  will try and fix this on a different computer sometime :)                               .                                                                                                                                                                       .Alan: "We can’t be friends anymore. When we get together, bad things happen and people get hurt."                                                                                                                                Mr. Chow: "Yeah, but that’s the point! It’s funny!"                                                                                                                                                       

...Everytime I do it makes me laugh......"
Nickleback right there LOL.

So I borrowed this post from my other blog site :P

My lil sister Lee brought me a scrap book type thing, with a blank canvas  cover. She said I could fill it with all things I've do this year, so that I can see how far I've come with my battle to overcome my anxiety.

Well when she gave it to me she'd done half a page and printed off afew photos lol.
I've got as far as march so and I love the idea of looking back, when I have a anxiety day and saying "get over yourself, look at what your done so far" 
I've painted the front cover with black and white trees- to represent the dark place i was in- wondering through the wilderness and the back cover is a sunset over the ocean- to represent the bright future I hopefully have in front of me.
I just will share photos of the covers soon, but for now I wanted to leave you with a page I made. This ones from my 30th.

Brace yourselves this shows you just how geeky I really am. The side I hide away lol.
Are you ready??? 
Yep that is my take on comic book lol.
My inner geek is well and truly out there now :P

Anyway thats all for today, bye :)
Donna xxxxxxxxxxx
Hello, Hi and welcome :)

I just wanted to give you a little introduction about me, that might explain any random stuff I post about. 

Firstly I'm a struggling artist and kitchen assistant in a school.
Auntie to 4 beautiful nieces.

For the last 10 years I've suffered with anxiety attacks, that left me not really doing much. Not really even wanting to leave the house!!                       I reached 30 this year and decided it was year to get out there and beat this once and for all.
I have a blog I use as a personal diary about this struggle here

This Blog I wanted to post all the random stuff, like fashion, music, my cakes that I make and maybe a few reviews etc. 
Basically just a bit more fun and light hearted short posts :)                        Stuff that don't really fit on my other blog!

Hope you enjoy the ramble stuff that floats around :)
Take care for now...
Donna xx